The cement reduction technology

We do optimize your concrete and REDUCE cement content up to 30%. ECOLOGICAL & ECONOMICAL SAVINGS are implicit. Due to the blueCONCRETE optimization technology, the cement ratio can be decreased up to 30% or to minimal ratios given by national codes. In the same way, silica, fly ash or other reactive fines can be optimized and reduced. National certifications like LEED or GREEN STAR accreditations can be achieved. Beside the reduction of emissions, the blueCONCRETE technology can decrease your costs up to 35%.


How does it work ?

THE DIFFERENCE, compared with traditional optimization methods, lies in the evolutionary algorithms developed by G.tecz to optimize the packing density of the source materials and calculation of the waterfilm thickness of each matrix particle. 

Concrete, based on your raw materials, with a low cement ratio, a better workability, improved mechanical properties and low CO2 emissions - that‘s blueCONCRETE.


Optimization Process

Essential to know are the constituent parts of the concrete that should be optimized with the blueCONCRETE Technology. Therefore G.tecz is measuring all the elements with special equipments in it's laboratory. E.g. all the nano-scaled fines will be measured with the lasergranolumeter to get a high-res sieve line. 
After the measurement, we will start the optimization with our algorithms by combining, shifting and crossing the sieve lines of all the components to achieve the optimal packing density and to calculate the minimal waterfilm thickness.

Gigantic array and vector operations will be done by our server system. More than  about 50 million unknowns will be solved. 

We are not using the traditional 'old-school' bubble search algorithmes; those will not leed to a really good optimization and they are to slow for this huge amount of data. Large arrays of the branches are usually not followed. Also, the specific chemical material properties of the nano-scaled elements are remained out of consideration.

How does it technically work?

That's a question we often hear. 
And by your leave - Thats our secret.



> decreasing costs up to 35%
> increasing durability
> increasing sustainability
> increasing strength
> increasing workability
> reducing bleeding
> on balance: cost-effective
> available: worldwide
> materials: your local raw-materials


> decreasing cement ratio up to 30%
> decreasing silica, fly ash
> decreasing CO2
> decreasing transportation emissions


The range of applications is enormous:
> structures and superstructures
> cladding
> civil- and underground engineering
> earth-moist concretes
> pre-cast concretes
> architecture, interior design, ...